Day four - Safaga
Riders pushed
today, harder than usual...not because of the partial headwinds, or the healthy
competition that has been developed between racers. Not because it was a
particularly challenging day or a long day...but the promise to the first few
riders who hit camp of a hot shower was enough of a dangling carrot to rush to
camp as quickly as possible. Only the first couple of riders would be rewarded
for these efforts, with the remaining forty riders settling for sub freezing
cleansing. I made it and was rewarded duly...and then got to spend the afternoon
in the most picturesque camp spot imaginable. We were literally sleeping on a
sandy beach near the Red Sea.
We had access to
porcelain...heaven. Sharita, our fearless leader, added to the intense desire of
every cyclist to make the most of this beautiful spot when she told us that it
would be the last time we would be camping in proximity to water until South
Africa. I had the absolute pleasure of doing dish duty tonight...I hand't yet
learned of the brilliance of some of the cyclists from last year, bribing others
to take their dish duty. And so I rolled up my sleeves and started cleaning
large volumes of pots and pans in arguably 'clean' water. I will have to start
collecting some good dirt on other cyclists to bribe my way out of this rare
form of torture in the future.
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